Delaware being one of the most tax-friendly states is great news for retirees looking to make their home here!
Going back to January 2009, when I wrote “Low Taxes not enough to move to Delaware”, followed in September 2011, by “Delaware – more than lower taxes”, I have always tried to provide information on Delaware taxes in context. Given our location in the heart of the Mid-Atlantic Region, with neighboring states that are among the nation’s least tax-friendly, Delaware always ranks near the top of the list for Most Tax-Friendly.
I was glad to see this updated Kiplinger Tax Map. To me, it is always easier to see why Delaware has become such a popular haven for retiring Baby Boomers when I see it on a map. Location plus low taxes makes for a winning combination.
Depending on how you break down your taxes, there are states that have lower taxes than Delaware. Again, the color-coding on this map, published by the Tax Foundation, illustrates where you can find the lowest taxes of all types. On an overall basis, Delaware ranks #11. Ranked by Property Taxes, Delaware comes in at #9; when you look at Sales Taxes, we are ranked at #2.
As it says in the above, SPREAD THE WORD! I’m bragging on Delaware to my friends, how about you?
Low taxes in Delaware is just one of the reasons that Delaware is so great for retirees! If you want to learn more about all the other reasons Baby Boomers have discovered Delaware, please contact with one of our Active Adults Realty agents and we can see how to find the perfect home for your retirement.
The post Delaware Still Ranks as One of the Most Tax-Friendly States appeared first on Active Adults Delaware Blog.