The following is a Guest Post from our friend Karen Weeks:
The more we learn, the better our brains hold up. This isn’t anecdotal – it’s proven science. Seniors that stay active – physically and mentally – are less likely to develop a cognitive decline condition. Thanks to the internet, there are tons of cool hobbies that seniors can hop right into without ever leaving the comfort of their own homes (unless they want to!). Here are some great ways to expand your horizon through online learning.
Learn how to play an instrument
Despite what you may have heard, you are never too old to learn how to play a musical instrument. Most people’s brains are musically-inclined anyway, they just need some structure to help them learn. There are tons of online courses for wannabe musicians – from piano to drums to guitar to violin. The guitar is a particularly great instrument for seniors, as it’s not too hard to pick up and is a common instrument to locate. Check here for some of the best online guitar lessons on the web.
Learn a new language
It may sound daunting, but learning a new language just takes time and dedication. Anyone can do it. That’s good news for you, as a retired senior looking to fill your days with activities. You will be able to sink a couple hours a day into language learning. If you want to try a free, easy-to-use app, then go with Duolingo. Once you start to get the hang of it, move on to a site like Busuu, which lets you practice what you’ve learned on a network of over 40 million native speakers. Check here for more apps and websites to help you on your language-learning journey.
Learn how to knit
Knitting is a fun activity for people of all ages, but for seniors who may be limited by a physical illness or a mobility issue, it’s a great way to instill a sense of accomplishment without having to expend too much effort. Plus, think about all the awesome hats, blankets, and sweaters you’ll be able to bestow upon your family. Start with some instructive YouTube videos and then try this tutorial site.
Learn how to garden
The benefits of gardening for seniors is well-documented. It’s a low-impact form of physical exercise. It works the mind and fine motor skills. It gets you out of the house and into the fresh air. It helps relieve depression and anxiety. And it provides you with a bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables for healthy eating. The list goes on and on. If you’ve always wanted to have a lush, beautiful garden in your own backyard, now’s the time to learn. There are tons of online gardening courses you can try. Here are some of the best.
Learn how to better use your computer and the internet
A little meta? Sure. A little stereotypical to think that seniors aren’t always the best with technology? Perhaps. But we could all use a course on how to get the most out of the most amazing technological advancement of the past 50 years. Check out one of these online programs and learn your way around that big, bright screen on your desk. Once you learn the basics of computing and internet surfing, you’ll be well on your way to finding more and more great things to learn online.
The good news is that most of these online websites, tutorials, videos, and apps are free to use. So there’s really no excuse for not checking them out. Your golden years are the perfect time to learn a skill that you’ve always wanted to learn, but could never find the time nor motivation. Enrich your life. Keep learning.
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