When you get an email newsletter do you Click?
If not, you are missing most of the article that is only being “teased” or introduced in the email itself. Or, if you are scrolling down the page of a blog like ours, you would see the first paragraph of each article we have published. For example, if the article is on –
Buying a Delaware Home? Top 10 Things to Know
and you did not Click on the headline to go to the full article, you would only know about the #1 thing to know – that Rehoboth Beach has the cleanest U.S. beach! But you would totally miss all the other great reasons people are flocking to Delaware!
Clicking is Engaging
In Internet talk, clicking is engaging with others. Whether you are reading an email newsletter, reading a Facebook post or catching up with articles on LinkedIn, it’s like having a two way conversation rather than listening out of one ear. You know what I mean.
Simply scanning a blog is like half listening to your spouse and occasionally saying Uh Huh … so she thinks you might be paying attention.
So, the next time you receive an informative email newsletter, like the one we call –
Boomers and Beyond at the Beach … in Delaware
Click and engage. Open the Newsletter, read it and you might just learn something new. Want to engage right now? Sign Up to receive Boomers or click on the NEWSLETTER Icon on the right to read our archives.
Got Questions? We have Answers.
It’s not unusual to have questions. We recommend that you prepare yourself for the journey by educating yourself. This will ensure you are a knowledgeable home buyer prepared to make a confident home buying decision. CLICK HERE to read our Buyer’s most Frequently Asked Questions, a.k.a. our FAQs page. If you don’t see the answer, email us, we look forward to helping you!
Retiring and getting ready to move on?
Sign up for our FREE Publications, order your FREE Buyers Guide. Ready to be a LOCAL? Call 302-424-1890, or email us, let’s get started on your move to Delaware today!
The post Clicking is Engaging. Do you Click? appeared first on Active Adults Delaware Blog.